How To Recycle

Introducing Our New Colour Coded Recycling Bin

Colour Coded Recycling Bin

Surveys on recycling have often shown that many as 80% of people in the UK find recycling confusing. They want to recycle more and recycle better. However, confusion about which bin to use and what they can put in them hampers their efforts. That’s why bins like our colour-coded recycling bin are just what you need for your school or workplace.

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Can I recycle wine corks?: Dear Recycling Bins

Can I recycle wine corks

Dear Recycling Bins, I’m a bit of a wine connoisseur. There’s nothing better than a bottle of red at the end of the week to wind down from the busyness of life. However, I have built up quite a collection of corks. I read somewhere that I can’t recycle wine corks, is that true? If I can’t recycle them, what should I do with them?

Thank you for your question! Synthetic corks and screw tops can go into your recycling bin.  However, natural cork is not accepted by recycling schemes. You shouldn’t put it in your waste bin either, as most won’t break down on landfill. But don’t worry, there are ways that you can recycle wine corks.

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