Tagged with 'plastics'

How to Recycle Easter Egg Packaging

It’s not Easter if you don’t feast on a chocolate egg or three. The first chocolate Easter eggs in Britain were introduced by Fry’s in 1873, and now they make up around 10% of our annual spending on chocolate. Just incase you were wondering, we munch our way through about 80 million chocolate eggs every year. Not great for our waistlines, or for the environment.

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Recycling Charity Clears Up the Confusion Around Plastics

The charity RECOUP has joined forces with Norfolk Waste Partnership to develop a campaign to show how clothing can be made from recycled plastic bottles.  Students from Norfolk were asked to get creative and design items of clothing that could be made from polyester which comes from PET bottles, 9 finalists were chosen and were given materials to create their idea. 

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UK Plastics Recycling is Exaggerated by a Third

The UK packaging industry has been accused of exaggerating how much of its plastic gets recycled.  In a recent report it has been stated that packaging firms only contribute a small amount of its substantial waste management bill.  The government are still facing calls for a deposit return scheme but face opposition from packaging industry firms.  

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27% of Councils Don't Recycle Plastics

Despite councils and England needing to hit recycling targets, 27% of councils are still not recycling plastics like tubs, pots and foot trays.  The Recycling Association say that people are trying to do their bit but a lackadaisical attitude from the councils is not helping the situaton.  

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