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Stay Green on the Go

Stay Green on the Go

Stay green on the go


The end of January is in sight, payday is almost upon us, and that means that thoughts of holidays and trips away are on our minds.

Many of us are getting the message about recycling and reusing items more in the workplace, but what about when we are away from home, at a campsite, on a long hike, or at a remote cottage somewhere, where there might not be a great deal of recycling provision?

Here are some top tips to help you stay green on the go.

Don’t buy individually wrapped snacks

Buying a pack of individually wrapped items from the supermarket might make sense for a family, but all those wrappers means there is more potential waste. Be kinder to your health and the environment by choosing to take fruit with you for snacking, or before you set off on your trip, put food in to reusable containers.

Choose foods and snacks in recyclable packaging

Food manufacturers are getting better at telling us if the packaging their items come in can be recycled or not. There is usually a symbol or some other indication of whether the packet or box can be recycled. Most packaging can be recycled now, apart from a few types of plastic.




Bulk-buy for going on your trip

Bulk-buying your favourite treats helps to save money and cuts down on waste. Bulk buys usually come in one large packet or container which will save you from having to carry fiddly individual items around or having to hunt for your favourite snacks when you reach your destination.

Carry a refillable water bottle with you

If you buy a bottle of water or pop every time you fancy a drink, you might be lumbered with lots of bottles that you can’t recycle if you’re somewhere remote. Give each member of the family their own drinks bottle and fill them up before setting off.

Look for recycling bins or take a bag with you to store recyclables

If you’re somewhere remote the chances are there might not be a bin handy, so if not, store your rubbish in a plastic bag until you can dispose of it properly or recycle it. Ask around where you are, there might be recycling bins or facilities close by.

Plan ahead

Before you arrive at your destination, check out what facilities are available for recycling. If you’re not sure, send an email to the hotel/accommodation provider, or even the local government in the area who might be able to point you in the right direction. 

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