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Green Champions - Nissan

Green Champions - Nissan

Green Champions Nissan

Nissan’s environmental ethos comes from the belief that people, vehicles, and nature can coexist in the modern world, if the correct adaptations are made. The company’s intention is that their business operations and their products contribute to a better society.

The goals of their environmental policy

The bottom line of their policy is to minimise the impact that their operations have on the environment and to conserve resources as much as possible. They also want to help develop a mobile society, but they want to do this by developing vehicles which are sustainable and which use innovative technology.

How they will meet these goals

Nissan have set targets for their environmental goals, which include reducing emissions, recycling resources, and protecting the air, water, and soil.

An "Eco First" industry leader

Japan’s Ministry of the Environment has endorsed Nissan as an ‘Eco-First’ company, in recognition of its efforts to reduce emissions and to produce zero-emissions vehicles. The ‘Eco-First’ programme helps businesses become sustainable.


Nissan’s key approaches to sustainability

Climate change

Cars depend on oil for energy. Oil consumption has been linked to climate change, as it increases greenhouse gas emissions. Drilling for oil and water and soil contamination also has an impact. Nissan aim to improve their energy efficiency or eventually switch to alternative energies.

Making good use of resources

Nissan are increasing their use of renewable resources and recycled materials as well as using resources more efficiently.

Improving the fuel efficiency of their vehicles

As the demand for vehicles is rising, Nissan are increasing their efforts to create sustainable vehicles with more efficient engines.

Hybrid vehicles

Hybrid vehicles, which run on a combination of a gasoline-powered engine and an electric motor, improve fuel efficiency and reduce emissions.

Electric vehicles

The Nissan LEAF runs on a lithium-ion battery which allows a driver to drive up to 228 km on one full charge.

Fuel cell electric vehicles

Fuel cell vehicles are being developed in Japan. The fuel cells get their energy from hydrogen and oxygen, and they only emit water, which makes them a very environmentally clean adaptation.

Environmentally-friendly dealerships

Nissan wants to achieve sustainability in its dealerships too, so many have installed efficient air conditioning and LED lighting. Employees are also encouraged to save energy where they can.

Environmentally-friendly headquarters

Nissan make the most of the natural light at their global headquarters to save energy. Sunlight is tracked and collected by powerful lenses. The glass in the windows is insulated, and the air conditioning system is efficient.

Rainwater is collected and used for sanitation and watering plants, and there is a control system which monitors the building’s energy use.


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