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Dudley Families Set for Change with Smaller Recycle Bins

Dudley Families Set for Change with Smaller Recycle Bins

Dudley Families Set for Change with Smaller Recycle Bins


Some Dudley families are being offered a change regarding their recycling habits. If they have not been filling their recycling wheelie bins, which proves they don't require such large bins, they will have the option of smaller sized bins. The smaller bins will replace the larger bins which will then be cleaned and redistributed to the appropriate neighbourhoods who still require the larger bins. But the change will not force smaller bins on anyone. If home owners still prefer the larger bins, they will be able to keep them. This does seem strange as most households given the chance would probably hold on to the larger bin just in case. This would probably need to be enforced before Dudley sees much improvement in its recycling.


Recycling Bins


Dudley has a poor performance record when it comes to recycling, it recycles only 35% of its waste while the country's average is about 43%. To try to promote better recycling habits, Dudley has just recently started participating in kerbside pickups. The changes began in June and are expected to be completed by next spring. Dudley began the recycling plan in '07 but didn't receive the funding until recently which delayed the implementation of the project.

The change to smaller bins was implemented after Local Government Secretary Eric Pickles became opposed to the unsightly addition of plastic bins on curbs in many neighbourhoods. Until now, Dudley has used coloured (heavy duty) plastic bags which are used to separate various types of waste like glass, plastic, paper and non-recyclable waste. But currently the bags for non-recyclable waste are being replaced by plastic wheelie bins. Due to the change of using smaller bins, some households will be able to proove that they are good at recycling by using the smaller bins. The change in the size of bins will offer a visual clue about that house's recycling habits and could inspire other households to change their recycling habits by asking for smaller wheelie bins as well.

While recycling bins may not add to the beauty of a neighbourhood, they may still be the best option. Some have looked to the continent of Europe and how they have dealt with waste disposal. There, they have a large dumpster at the end the street which eliminates the bin situation. Then it is emptied daily instead of every few days. Others have suggested constructing houses in different ways. For instance, new houses could be constructed with an alley in the back of the houses where wheelie bins could be left until they could be collected by the appropriate service. Households would still be using bins but they wouldn't be such an obvious distraction from beautiful neighbourhoods and homes.

While Pickles himself has called for the new construction of homes to include places where wheelie bins could be kept until they are picked up without disturbing the beauty of a neighbourhood, others have noted his complaints are not new. Chris Murphy, who is deputy Chief Executive at a waste management company says he has worked with British Standards since 2005 to create standard policy regarding construction on new homes and businesses. Ultimately, wheelie bins are our most convenient and least unsightly option. Until someone comes up with a better solution they’re by far the best option.


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