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Nestle Waters Rolls Out Recycling Programme in UK Schools

Nestle Waters Rolls Out Recycling Programme in UK Schools

Nestle Waters Rolls Out Recycling
Programme in UK Schools

Nestle Waters has joined forces with recycling charity Recoup and the environmental education firm, Wastebuster to deliver a recycling programme in schools.

The programme, called ‘R-Generation,’ will be rolled out in primary and secondary schools across the UK, and it will teach pupils how important it is to protect the environment, especially from plastic waste.

As part of the programme, teachers get access to resources and information like games and quizzes to get pupils interested and to give them the most up to date and relevant information on plastic recycling including different types of plastics and what they can be used for. The resource packs also contain instructions on how schools can set up their own recycling schemes, which it’s hoped will make pupils more aware of the importance of recycling so they’ll carry it on at home and in their local communities.

Encouraging people to take action

Nestle Waters UK said it was passionate about encouraging people to take action to protect the environment through recycling. A company spokesperson added that Nestle further demonstrated their commitment to recycling earlier this year by rolling out the introduction of recycled plastic to all the water bottles produced at its UK site.

The recycling charity RECOUP said it was delighted to work with Nestle and Wastebuster to teach the next generation about why plastic recycling is essential for long-term sustainability and the health of the planet. It added that plastic is valuable and it can be reused as long as people do the right thing with their waste.

Why recycle plastic?

In Britain alone, we throw away around 513,000 tonnes of plastic bottles every year, which is equal to around 8 billion bottles. Many of the bottles end up in landfill where they take up a lot of space and take an age to break down. When they do start to break down, they can leach harmful chemicals into the soil and groundwater. The less plastic that ends up in landfill, the better. Recycled plastic bottles can be used to make all sorts of useful products from clothing to new plastic bottles.

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