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Recycling Around the World A-Z : Finland

Recycling Around the World A-Z : Finland

Recycling Around the World A to Z: Finland

Finland is quite good at recycling packaging. The country recycles more than half of its packaging. The recycling targets set by the government for cartons, glass and metal are nearly always exceeded, and now they can boast that this is also the case for plastic as well.

Producer responsibility

A major driver behind Finland’s success in recycling packaging is that firms who pack or import products into the country have responsibility for recycling it. Packaging materials must be reused to make new products, and this is required by law. From January 2016, firms have also been responsible for collection packaging waste. The Rinki eco take-back network are recycling points where customers can take glass, metal, and plastic packaging waste back to the producers.

Residents make a difference too

Even though businesses have most of the responsibility for recycling, people can make a difference too. Residents are encouraged to recycle their waste correctly, and to make use of the Rinki take-back points. Packaging that is sorted correctly, with minimal contamination, means that more raw materials can be salvaged and made into brand new products.

Recycling Glass

Electronic waste

The Finnish Waste Act came into force inn 2005. It implemented regulations for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment. Any equipment that was bought after August 2005 now can be collected, treated, recycled, and recovered, when you have replaced your unwanted item with something new.

Household waste

All household waste needs to be sorted prior to collection. Requirements vary in different parts of Finland, but residents are provided with comprehensive instructions. Household is sorted according to what material it’s made from. Most municipalities provide containers for bio waste, paper, plastic, glass, metals, and mixed waste. Electronic and hazardous waste must be taken to proper recycling facilities. Municipalities provide residents with tips on how to reduce the amount of waste they produce, and throw away. They encourage residents to make better use of their freezer to keep food for longer, and to ensure that they store it correctly so it doesn’t get thrown away needlessly. They also encourage smarter shopping, and buying items they really need, and investing in more durable products.

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