Education & Tips

The Benefits of Recycling

We think recycling is just an everyday chore , but do people think of the benefits of recycling your items, recycling paper saves trees is the obvious one but when it comes to plastic and glass the energy saved can save wildlife and carbon emmissions.  So it would be benficial in the long term if everything that can be recycled is. 

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Stay Green on the Go

With the January almost at an end, everyone has been paid and now people are looking at booking their holidays, with campsites and staycations becoming more and more popular, litter is increasing at hiking trails and areas of beauty.  Our blog covers a few tips on how to reduce the amount of waste you produce when going away.  

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UK Recycling Law

People often do not know what can and cannot be recycled, it is in fact the law not to recycle items which aren't supposed to be recycled, there are certain guidelines in operation to help businesses correctly dispose of their waste and the amount of waste that is generated.  

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Zero Waste Challenge

With lent tomorrow, instead of giving up food like chocolate you could try to tackle the no waste challenge, there are many ways to reduce waste you generate with some simple ideas like drinking tap water instead of bottled water, if you can do this for 40 days what is stopping you from creating this all year round and significantly reducing your waste.

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The Rise of Clothing Banks

You may have noticed almost in every large supermarket car park there seems to be a clothing banks, but what do they do?  Around half of the clothes are sent abroad to help the less fortunate people, but some are sold in second hand shops and some are sold in charity shops.

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